Winslow Farm Homeowners Information

Information for owners of single family homes in Winslow Farm Neighborhoods

(Sweetbriar, Laurelwood, New Bent Tree, Bent Tree & Olde Mill neighborhoods)

2012 Winslow Farm Community Association Board of Directors:
Judy Lucas, New Bent Tree Neighborhood

Judy has lived in Bent Tree for 10+ years and is a retired teacher. Judy is also active with the Community Kitchen.

Jan Zimmerman, Bayberry Neighborhood

Jan has lived in Bayberry for 6 years after moving from Florida. Jan also serves on the Bayberry BOD.

Frank Mitchell, Laurelwood Neighborhood

Frank has lived in Laurelwood for 10 years. Frank works at Crane.

Jenett Tillotson, Bent Tree Neighborhood

Jenett is a newer member of the WF community. She works at IU and is active with Bloominglabs.

Jim Weikart, Moss Creek Neighborhood

Jim is the newest member of the WF community. Jim also serves on the Moss Creek BOD.

The 2008 Budget

The 2007 board gave homeowners the chance to vote for one of two budgets. Both budgets reduced 2008 homeowner annual fees. The 2007 WFCA Board self managed the association with financial accounting help from Hills O' Brown Property Management.

Self management saved homeowners $10,000+ in management fees.

How did the 2007 Board spend your Homeowner Fees?

Homeowner Questions?

Will the ponds be taken care of?

Community maintainance areas described in the WF covenants include: "the ponds & pumping equipment" and the covenants state: "the community association shall insure, maintain, repair and replace the ponds & pumping equipment..." BUT, the covenants do not state that the association shall operate and pay for electricity to operate the pumping equipment. The covenants state: "...the association will ...apply eradicate...weeds (thus the $4000 budget item for chemicals).

Homeowners chose the proposed budget (B) which includes $4000 for pond chemicals and $4000 for electricity to circulate the water over the waterfalls. Chemicals to control algae in the 7 wet ponds cost us $4000/year. Circulating the water over the waterfalls in the pond system requires electricity. The more time water is circulated...the more it costs homeowners. The carbon imprint left on planet earth is another story.

Homeowners wonder why we do not have graduated fees based on amenities? The covenants require us to adopt a budget and then divide it by 416 owners to arrive at the annual fee. Residents in Laurelwood have no amenities (not even a sign). Residents in Bayberry have no amenities except the wooden walkways. Residents in New Bent Tree have no amenities (not even a sign).

Some Moss Creek condo owners want to hire a full service management company again. They are unhappy with self management. Please be aware that all contracts in excess of $5000 must be voted on by ALL homeowners! This would always include the lawncare contract and the management contract.

Keep checking this website ( for updates on key issues we will be voting in the June 2008 (postpone until November 13, 2008) special meeting voted for by a majority of homeowners. Our by-laws, articles and covenants need serious re-working!!!

First letter from attorney Loftman (pdf) Size of Board, Amendment of Covenants, Pond Liability, Retaining Walls.

Second letter from attorney Loftman (pdf) Enforcement of Covenant Restrictions.

Click here to see what the WF minutes, monthly financials, etc. for 2007.

Click here to see what the WF minutes, monthly financials, etc. for 2008. This takes you to the official Winslow Farm Community Association website where you will find community documents in pdf format for downloading.

New Owners: If you did not receive the mailing for the Nov. 13, 2008 meeting please call a board member (339-6311) to get on the mailing list so you can vote in the 2008 annual election.

2007Letter to Homeowners about Annual Meeting

2008 Proposed Budgets (2)

Tasks Accomplished in 2007 with homeowner fees

Links to important homeowner information: party photos

Pictures of your kids at the 2007 Gazebo party

How to amend our bylaws

Board spending limits

Board meetings open to members

Roberts Rules of Order

Pictures of your kids at 2006 summer party

More photos from 2006 summer party

Links to Photos of Winslow Farm Neighborhoods:


New Bent Tree


Bent Tree

Olde Mill

Links to Photos of Winslow Farm Condo Associations:


Moss Creek Village

Moss Creek

Some Moss Creek Village residents would like to own this "WF common property" so close to their patio homes. Currently the real property beyond 6' & ponds are owned by ALL WF homeowners.

Who should own the ponds????

Sound Off in the Blog!

Winslow Farm Common Property marked in MCV
Just 6 feet from each patio home!

This is not the official Winslow Farm Community Association, Inc. website.
This is a site with information for single family homeowners in Winslow Farm Community.